By Boss Babes is back with a new natural formula set to grow those lashes
TikTok sensation, Heather Bowling brings feminism to lashes. All the girlies are raving about her continuous serum product. Lash CEO By Boss Babes is returning with exciting changes.

The queen herself and the fabulous entrepreneur, Megan Jones launched their own lash serum brand in December last year ensuring long healthy lashes. The team sold out in over a week after launching with a lot of positive responses. Fans that had been following Hev for a while were ecstatic she was turning into a businesswoman and bringing her secret weapon to her audience.
Megan works behind the scenes profusely with product development and fulfillment. She announced that they are working on a new formula for a brand-new lash serum coming soon.
It’s been chaotic for By Boss Babes as there are many more customers who are eager to get hold of the new product with the popularity increasing. You can subscribe to their website,, to receive a new lash serum every twelve weeks. The product has already been sold to over 15.000 people and has an endless amount of feedback praising the amazing team.
Megan said: “The sales have gone crazy. The demand is continuously growing.”
The businesswoman genius mentioned the brand loves the engagement with customers and wants to continue that in the future. On By Boss Babes social medias and website, many fans have posted before and after pictures of their lashes with noticeable changes in the length and volume.

By Boss Babes has mentioned on their platforms about the importance of the lash cycle. Customers have understood their own lashes a lot better with the information the brand has promoted. There are different stages in the lash growth and the lash serum focuses on prolonging the telogen phase where one’s lashes would normally fall out. By using this product, the lashes will instead stay and look longer and fall out after an increased amount of time. Lashes do fall out to make room for stronger ones, but shedding is normal.
Megan said: “Everyone’s got a different lash cycle, everyone’s lashes grow at different rates”
Lash CEO By Boss Babes does not contain prostaglandin which is hormone-like, which can lead to eye irritation. The brand’s serum does have all natural ingredients, and the new product will have panthenol which promotes hair growth.
The future of this brand is exciting and bright as the fan base and customers continue to leave positive comments.
Hev said: “The process of Lash CEO is the most exciting and surreal experience watching an idea of yours grow into a business! No doubt it comes with stress and anxiety about the future, but we have long term goals which we work towards every day. There is always something exciting being planned whether it’s brainstorming new ideas for products, event planning, redesign and even the intensity that comes with when we relaunch!”
Hev’s personality makes her fashionably unique, but many gals are in awe over her luxurious lashes, and they now have the answer.

Stay tuned and sign up for the relaunch of Lash CEO By Boss Babes to receive the most natural treatment of your life.